We’re so glad you’re here.

Legacy Owensboro is a local church of Jesus-centered presence people on a mission to love God, love people and change the world. No matter your story, you're welcome here! First-time experiences can be intimidating, so let us help. Get to know what to expect at a Sunday service and we look forward to seeing you!

When should I arrive?

Services are at 10AM. We suggest you arrive at least 20 minutes early to grab a coffee, check-in KIDS, find your seat and meet someone new!

What should I expect?

  • First Time Guests: Turn your hazard lights on for reserved parking! Our parking team will guide you.

  • Legacy KIDS check-in: someone will assist you at our Legacy KIDS table and give you a tour of our KIDS department.

  • Our atmosphere is engaging and inclusive. When you arrive, you'll be welcomed by a friendly face. Need help? Look for a Legacy team member with a badge.

  • Services run around 75 minutes and open with 3-4 songs of praise and worship. Our worship is vibrant and Spirit-filled.

What about my kids?

Legacy KIDS is available during our Sunday service: crawling-5th grade. Nursing mothers have a room to relax where service can be seen and heard and the lobby is available for parents with children not quite ready for classes. Look for a TEAM member with a badge to find these spaces.

Check-in opens 20 mins before and closes 15 mins after service. For the safety of our children, we cannot make exceptions for late arrivals.

Spencer Phillips

Lead Pastor



